They (ie. designers) say that designing for yourself is SO much harder than designing for a client. It has something to do with not having the same economic status as your clients, so you can’t afford all the bells and whistles for your own home. And then apparently there’s some mental anguish that comes from the pressure of everyone expecting a designer’s home to be extraordinary. Well, as a (newbie) design blogger trying to makeover my home office for my mentorship with Emily Henderson, I can attest that those designers are 100% correct.
My rental has been a work in progress for the last three years. I’m slowwwwly tackling projects and acquiring pieces I love as I find them or can afford them. This snaillike approach to designing definitely takes the stress out of the process. But unlike my other leisurely moving home projects, I only have six weeks to take my hideous home office from concept to completion (plus document, photograph, and blog the whole process). The pressure is on!
Typically, if this was a client project, I’d whip up a design plan in no time. But full transparency here, I am struggling to nail down a design direction for this space. Mostly because my design style appears to be changing. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m getting older, or perhaps consuming too much design content over the course of this pandemic, but for the last few weeks my aesthetic has been in a constant state of evolution.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been a neutrals girl. I love(d?) light and airy, all-white spaces, layered with texture, a few pattern textiles, and organic elements. A mix of modern and vintage. Minimal, yet cozy. Basically, if Leanne Ford and Amber Lewis (my two favorite designers) had a baby, that would be my aesthetic. I named this (gender-neutral) love child “organic coastal cottage.” He/she is perfectly imperfect. Approachable. Cool. Collected.

Below is the initial mood board for my home office that I made a few months ago. And that was the design direction I thought I would implement.

Until a few weeks ago…
Something strange happened to me. I noticed myself saving and pinning rooms clad with pattern, laden with eclectic styling, and dare I even say the word, COLOR! ::gasps::
This room stopped me dead in my tracks.

Then this one and this one.

And before I knew it, my Pinterest board looked like this.

At first, I was in denial. Is it possible for a neutral loving minimalist to also be attracted to colorful, maximalist design? Am I have an identity crisis?
SIDE BAR: I just googled “what age do people have identity crisis?” and Google says age 12-18. So I’m too old for that. And I’m too young to have a mid-life crisis (age 35-50). So what is happening to me? Why am I so drawn to color now? :: searches WebMD::
Diagnosis aside, there is no denying the enchantment and uniqueness of maximalist design. It takes sheer raw talent to pull this style off without it looking disjointed and hoarderish.

So I made a second inspiration board. Let’s say this time Leanne Ford and Justina Blakeney had a baby. I’m calling this love-child, “Understated Maximalist”. Emphasis on “understated”, because if to be compared to a true maximalist aesthetic, this design still leans towards the minimalist end of the spectrum. BUT, it would incorporate color, lots of pattern play, and layers of styling. The vibe would feel a bit boho, fun, and eclectic … which is a nice vibe to have for a creative space.

So now I’m torn and I need your help. Should I stick to my tried and true “organic coastal cottage” roots, or step outside my comfort zone with “understated maximalist”? Drop your vote and thoughts in the comments below!
Xx, Key
Opening Photo Credits: Design & Photos by Laura Resen | Via One Kings Lane
159 responses to “Ask The Audience: Organic Coastal or Understated Maximalist Home Office?”
[…] you’ve already read my post on Emily’s blog, then jump over to this post here and weigh in on which inspiration board you like […]
Colour! Definitely. Not least because the very muted tones are a bit ubiquitous right now. I’d just make sure the coloured things you do buy are good quality / heirloom style (i.e. textiles / rugs) so you can always sell on or keep them forever and pass them on.
Such good advice! Thank you!!
Okay, over on EHD I was pushing you to be more “neutrals” but now that I see your two boards here I’m all for the understated maximalist one. It’s VERY understated on the colour and also pretty chill on the “maximalist” part so I think you’re good, and it’ll be easy to change out if you get frustrated with something. (But also easy to add in some oomph if you end up going more neutralsy.) Good luck!!
I second this! Exactly my thoughts.
I agree! I couldn’t picture understated maximalist, but now that I see it I love it too! It’s still so chill and muted and pretty. It would be a great pop if the rest of the house stays neutral! And perfect for your girl cave, office, inspiration space. I’m really excited for this makeover!
I see you’ve had a change of heart! Totally agree!
I agree with everyone who’s saying your understated maximalist vision is understated enough that it shouldn’t feel like a crazy leap, but still allows for some growth. I like the colour! I’m glad to have found your blog through EHD.
Hi Key! Here from EHD. So happy you’re on the site and that we’ve found you. Love your voice and the gift you’re giving all of us as a learner. Go, you! I vote for understated maximalist all the way. So much more interesting and fun to my eye. Color and pattern have more of a home and it allows greater freedom to shift as you live in it, making your space feel collected in a way that is totally, uniquely YOU! Excited to see your plans unfold. All the best! (P.S. The link here was broken. I was able to find this post through your homepage, but thought I’d let you know.)
Understated maximalist all the way…..
Hi! Thanks so much for hopping over! The EHD team fixed the link, thanks for letting me know <3 Completely agree with you, I think UM is much more interesting. Thanks so much for the helpful advice!
Both mood boards are amazing. My vote is for understated maximalist all the way – it feels just a little warmer and cozier but still isn’t over the top. Best of luck!!
Noted! Thanks for weighing in!
Organic coastal! But both are lovely.
My tried and true go to! Thanks for weighing in!
Maximalist coastal cottage. If you choose timeless furniture then you can swap in more color w textiles and rug and let the wall color be your calm. Love your post and can’t wait to see where you land!
You are exactly right! I think I can mix in elements from both for the perfect balance! Thanks for weighing in!
I’m all for understated maximalist, esp through accessories that could be swapped out if you ultimately felt like going back neutral. Be playful in your playful space!! xo
So true!!! Thank you!!
Understated maximalist…looks like maybe you can just take the pattern out (if on rugs and pillows etc) if you change your mind. I too want more feeling/pattern from my spaces lately. Both boards are great btw. Great work!!
💯% ‘understated maximalist’ Love it! Still serene but feels so much more personal. Love that your design sense is changing/learning/growing as you go on this renovation journey. Thank-you for sharing!
So many votes for understated max! I agree, it definitely feels more personal. Thanks so much for weighing in and following along <3
Another vote for understated maximalist! I think it’ll be easier to layer in accessories as your style changes over the months and years, too, if the vibe is already a bit colorful, eclectic, and fun. Your understated maximalist inspo board makes my heart sing with joy. Can’t wait to see what you end up pulling together, whatever you decide!
Geeze! You guys are killing me with all the votes for Understated Max. It seems to be winning by a landslide! I definitely agree with you! We shall see…. thanks so much for weighing in and following along <3
So true! Thank you so much!
Another vote for understated maximalist! I think it’s particularly appropriate for a home office since it’s got a little more of that library feel to it too. Perhaps since you have those different books, you can highlight your different zones with complimentary styles? Really looking forward to seeing your decisions because I also have a home office with a bunch of dormer areas and want to use it for quite a variety of uses.
Please, go with that gorgeous color!
Like many of the other comments, I love the understated maximalist. Both boards are lovely, but the second feels fresh and bright. The subtle color evokes a sharp mind while maintaining a sense of peace. That fits the bill for how the space will be used.
I love what you chose and either would be good! I am similar to you in that I am drawn to both styles. I’m meeting in the middle myself with an understated maximalist style… white walls but bold rugs and art. It really makes those special pieces pop even more.
Color! Even in your “maximalist” board, it compliments neutrals. Color equals energy, necessary for a work space and workout space. It invites creativity and inspiration necessary for a designer. I’m so done with room after boring room in white, black, natural, touch of green. No sense of individuality nor the personality of the person who might actually live there or have a life outside of Instagram. Please, light up the blog world with personal style!
So glad to have found you via EHD. I would recommend thinking about the overall “feeling” you want the space to evoke. The maximalist version has more “energy” to me – is that what you want for your office and workout zone? Note that energy doesn’t necessarily equal me liking it more. I appreciate them both…wow, can you tell we have matching enneagrams? 🙂 I’m off to explore more of your blog and enjoy your fresh voice.
Understated Maximalist. It’s warm and happy without feeling overwhelmed
Understated maximalist specifically for this space! I’m guessing the rest of the home will fall in the other category and this is the perfect space to go “off-track”. Can’t wait to see what you decide!
I vote for the understated maximalist! It’s warmer and I love how inviting it looks!
While white minimalist rooms seem to be very popular now, they all feel a bit generic to me. No sense of who lives there, no sense of story… where has that person lived or traveled? Is it someone’s home or a display at Target? Feels generic and vanilla to me. For me, color and more personal layers tells a much richer, more interesting story. And adding gramma’s backgammon board or curtain rod from dad’s old fishing pole is a great way to surround myself with MY story and love/strength of ancestors. Good luck deciding!
Over from EHD, congratulations on such a fun project! I think the understated maximalist will be inspiring and fresh in your creative space! You can always do your OCC in other spaces that need serenity like your bedroom or a spa/sanctuary bath. I, too, love neutral spaces but found your sense of color in the UM version very enlivening without feeling busy…thinking how to add to my own palate 🙂
I love your style, both design and writing! I don’t usually love color or pattern, but the understated maximalist board you’ve put together is exquisite!
I love both mood boards, but my favorite is the understated maximalist! I typically prefer color/pattern than to be surrounded by white. Because this is a space you will work/concentrate in, I think it’s important for you to choose what feels most relaxing and gives you brain space to be creative rather than overwhelmed.
I’m having a similar quickly evolving style crisis – I feel it’s due to exposure of other styles and designs and, without the ability to live in the different styles, it’s hard to know what I really love. That can be expensive so I’ve been doing all DIY and trying to style/change things in a way that, if I’m not 100% sure I am in love with it, it isn’t a permanent/difficult to remove piece – like wallpaper on the walls. Your idea to only buy items with a 90 day return policy is really smart. Looking forward to seeing more!
Color, color, color! Warm and cozy but inspiring. An office you don’t mind relaxing in but also one that encourages your creativity to flow.
Understated Maximalist please.
Understated maximalist! Do what makes you happy, but I’m tired of everything being white and muted. My home doesn’t have lots of direct light and white paint doesn’t look great, so I’m always excited for inspiration that isn’t so neutral. Excited to see what you do!
Big fan of the Understanded Maximalist look. Can’t wait to see what you come up with!
As a straight-up maximalist over here, I’m loving your take on it. And if you’re having a case of the old designer-style-schizophrenia (it me! Truly, WebMD has forsaken us) then what better way to indulge it than to build that lovely neutral base you’re planning, with lots of room to change it up with accessories? I think your maximalist moodboard looks well-built to be flexible: it might let you strip it back down to the cottage vibe if you need a break, but pile it back on when your inner Iris Apfel feels bored. Can’t wait to see it!
My vote is for the maximalist, but I love color and pattern, plus I feel the “California Cool” look has oversaturated the design world. THAT SAID, if you love it, you should go with it! Go with whichever one you really love most. I KNOW, it’s HARD. Maybe you could explore this exact dilemma in a blog post over at EHD….how to really nail down your style when you love several styles, and how to make design decisions you won’t be sick of 5 mins after you’re finished. I struggle with this BIGLY. I just finished sewing 7 roman shades for 3 rooms of my house using 3 different fabrics – I love 2 of the fabric choices and regret the 3rd choice…it just looks different hung up as a shade than it did as a sample or while I was sewing it. It was expensive and labor-intensive project, so it’s a real bummer. Clearly not the end of the world but it’s humbling and frustrating.
This is a great idea for a post! I love the ones that talk about the process and why something does or doesn’t work
Glad you like it! More to come. I need all the help/advice I can get lol!
Hi! EHD led me to you!
This is such a hard choice and I totally get your design agony. I also struggle with a design identity crisis similar to yours. Maybe we are just design-poly, lol.
One thing that helped me with this identity crisis is I have been collecting images on Houzz for like 9 years or something crazy and I like to see what still resonates NOW from what I saved way back when. If it does, I’ll likely never tire of it.
Your understated maximalist mood board shows lots of images where the ceiling is the same color as the walls… maybe that makes you feel cozy? Also, the colors are more monotone in their usage so maybe you love color but not a bunch of colors together at once.
If you don’t have it, you should get Rebecca Atwood’s book Living with Color. It is SUCH a good book and maybe can help you think figure out your “color identity”
Something else to consider is light. If the room gets a lot of sun (looks like it doesn’t), I would go with understated maximalist. White walls/furnishings will fall flat in a low-light room and it will look boring and dreary instead of bright, fresh and airy.
Best of luck! Your work is really great. I’ll be checkin you out as I have a similar love for Leanne Ford meets Amber Lewis. Throw a little Miami into the mix and that’s me, hahaha
Meant if the room Doesn’t get a lot of light, go with MU… hope that makes sense
I love both boards but maximalist is my favorite.
I’ve been having the same thoughts while designing my new rental! I’ve been a neutrals girl FOREVER and now I am craving a bit more color, a bit more pattern, and just a generally “cozy” vibe. Right now my plan is to still paint the walls white but play with pattern / color / texture through textiles, art, and rugs. That way if I’m over it in a few months or years, its not a huge investment to swap out.
Good luck! I’m sure it will be beautiful!
Hi Key,
I vote for the “understated maximalist”. Both are lovely, but I like that as a designer are going to stretch yourself, and it is muted enough that you can pull back our lean in later as you grow.
Do both! Once you do all of the necessary prep work to paint a room, it will be 100 times easier to paint a second time, so you don’t need to worry about being perfect. I would paint a room that has great light white (you have so many pictures of white rooms!) and choose a room that’s north facing or has low light and experiment with more color in that room. Then you have two rooms to experiment with furniture and accessories and see what fits you best. My office is light and bright, but my dining room is dark blue. I love them both! You can also challenge yourself to buy much more affordable (maybe second hand) furnishings so that you can afford to make mistakes. You might even be able to sell them for more once you spruce them up, if you decide not to keep them. Here is the oil based primer you’ll need, at least for the trim – Zinsser Cover Stain https://www.lowes.com/pd/Zinsser-Cover-Stain-Interior-Exterior-High-Hiding-Oil-Based-Wall-and-Ceiling-Primer-Actual-Net-Contents-128-fl-oz/3609490. I had to makeover a rental that whose every surface was nicotine stained. Good luck and have fun! Starting is the hardest part, so break out those paint cans.
Another vote for Understated Maximalist. While beautiful, Organic Coastal Cottage has been done. And done. And done. I think adding in some color and boho vibes will allow you to be a bit more creative and show off your unique voice.
That DIY rope wall is pretty cool. I think a vintage carved wood room divider (Indonesian style… you’ve seen em, should be able to source on Craigslist or FB Marketplace) would look great, too. I would also loooove to see some peel and stick wallpaper, even if just on an accent wall or in a nook. Can’t wait to follow along!
Both are beautiful, but I love color, so my vote is for the understated maximalist. And thank you for that design designation, because I think it’s where I fall. Or where I’ve grown to. I used to be a bit more of a minimalist plus color, always color, but as I’ve followed EHD, I’ve added layers. I believe you can do that, too, and when you crave less, the layers can be taken away. I’m super excited to see how it turns out. The space is really great!
Love both of these mood boards!
To me, they are extremely similar in texture and materials, so the defining difference is blue versus blush. Your maximalist Pinterest board suggests more of a bold wall choice that isn’t really reflected in the mood board… unless that pink and beige pattern is meant for the walls? It’s in the same location as the rug on the other mood board so I’m not sure. ICYMI – on Domino recently, Anthony D’Argenzio called taupe and dusty rose his favorite color pairing! (Looooove This Old Hudson)
What if you made ease-of-changing a part of the design? Kind of like Albie buying pieces that would work wherever she moved, it could be a feature of the design and a bit of a differentiator? Of course I’m sure that’s SUPER HARD and might take more than a couple months to pull off, but maybe something to think about 🙂
My thoughts exactly. Both mood boards are lovely but they are quite similar although one has touches of blue and the other terra cotta.
Understated maximalist! I feel like the coastal cottage feels so much like amber interior/McGee & co that every blog is emulating and are beautiful but there are a million like it now. The understated maximalist feels fresh and I think knowing you have a realistic budget means you can translate it for non-designers who don’t have access to troves of gorgeous textiles or gorgeous molding (like the St. Frank owner) and make it feel less intimidating.
Oooh! Can’t wait to follow along! I own my home yet still related to so much of what your EH post included. ESPECIALLY the paint peeling off in sheets because of an oil-based undercoat. (All the white doors in my house have a few places where this has happened.) Can’t wait watch you transform your walls and trim the right way! The main photo on this post (from your understated maximalist mood board) had me at hello. Can’t wait to tag along on your journey. 🙂
Ooh, can you do a foundation of Organic Coastal Cottage with pops of Understated Maximalist in the things that are easier to change, like blankets, art, and pillows?
Yesss!!! That’s exactly what I’m thinking!!
another one here for understated maximalist, but with a warning to keep it understated. If i was to analyze you I’d say that you do love neutrals, so just. bring in the color on the floor – thats the lesson i’ve learned – that when its at eye level it can get too busy or loud for me, but on the floor it doesn’t (if that makes ANY sense). Regardless we are all exited to watch 🙂 You’ll do GREAT! xxx
Yesss!! That’s my biggest concern –it feeling too loud. But keeping it below eye level may be just the trick! You’re the best!
Hi, Key! I’m here from EHD. The common theme I’m noticing in your maximalist pins is the color. I think your approach with understated maximalist is right on. Infuse the room with some color, but hold back on too many accent pieces/vessels/etc that can add to visual clutter. You can do a peaceful minimalist but colorful vibe. (As an artist I think color is always the answer. 🙂 )
The other item I notice in a lot of the maximalist photos is plants. In my opinion, you can never go wrong with plenty of plants. They are a nice neutral accent and keep your air fresh to keep your creative brain fueled! I can’t wait to see how your space evolves. Thanks for sharing so we can follow along.
You are so right! I just want a little bit a color, not too much. And I agree, I always see so many plants in maximalist photos. So I definitely want to incorporate some. The only problem is I do not have a green thumb lol…
I vote for a little color! Both mood boards are airy and cozy and warm like you initially wanted but a little bit of color will be a nice happy pop here and there!
Yes I agree! A little bit a color, but still keep it light and airy!
I vote going for the understated maximalist since you’re drawn to it! That mood board would definitely fit in with the rest of your home, and why not experiment in your space. I can’t wait to see this come together.
That’s what I’m leaning towards…we shall see…
Your understated maximalist board really complements your organic coastal cottage &, as you said, they both share a parent (Leanne Ford). I vote go for it for sure! The color will bring sparkle & joy to your life & reflect what you are currently interested in & attracted to. You’ve got to make room for growth! Plus Leanne Ford & Justina Blakeney–so lovely, creative, & what an awesome combo of peace & dynamism! What an inspired combination! I can’t wait to see how it comes out!
That is true, they both have some common threads! I’m still a little bit nervous about color, but I know it would make me smile everytime I enter the room! We shall see. Thanks for weighing in!
Oooh…these both look beautiful! I think either would look awesome, but I am leaning towards the Understated Maximalist. I love the blush tones and colors in that mood board, and this room looks like a good place to try these out.
Thank you so much! Yes, I am so drawn to those blush tones for some reason and if there is a room to try it out, it would be this one! Thanks for weighing in!
Understated maximalist! It’s not that different, but it’s got more warmth–it’s more playful without being overdone!
Key I love your voice and style so much! I vote understated maximalist – so beautiful and still classy and fun 🙂
Aw thank you so much! I’m getting so many votes for understated max, may just have to give it a try! Thanks for weighing in!
Organic coastal all the way! I love looking at photos of colourful, patterned rooms filled with interesting objects but in reality I don’t want to clean one and wouldn’t feel relaxed entering one. Plus it’s just more stuff to get bored of and want to replace later. I do think that a sort of laid-back, minimal but cozy English country look could fill the bill as well and might also have more longevity if you’re looking for something more timeless. (I’m biased because that is what I’m going for–an earthy colour palette and stripped down aesthetic, but with classic furniture, pretty art, bookcase, etc. of English country).
Girl, you are speaking my language! I totally feel ya!
Eeek!! We shall see…
Understated Maximalist! Love the color. It will bring a lot of warmth to the space.
Yes! The color is really growing on me!
I am so excited to see this! I honestly think these mood boards are the closest I’ve seen to my style — my theme for our place is “Midcentury* Coastal Cottage” with very very very light on the midcentury. The house is from 1950 and I want to respect it the architecture but still keep it natural and coastal.
So my vote goes that direction. Especially excited to see your office since my husband and I both have our two desks and a daybed for guests in our office as well.
Omg yes!! “Midcentury Coastal Cottage” – Love that! Thanks for weighing in!
IMHO, the swing to color that many of us are having is tied to the quarantine. Used to be we got all kinds of visual stimuli out in the world, so we wanted calm and serene houses. But if we’re now working at home and eating at home and and exercising at home and grocery shopping from home, WE WANT COLOR;).
So, once the pandemic passes, do you think you will want an exciting house or a calming house? Signed, someone who is looking at vivid-colored lamps as we speak;).
OMG MY MIND IN BLOWN!!! That makes so much sense! I think calm is what I really want at the end of the day…
Mix it up! I can see you going with a neutral, calming aesthetic and then throwing in some pieces that bring color and pattern. I always love a big patterned rug in an otherwise neutral space, or a more colorful wall with neutral, light furniture. Spaces that mix styles are more personal and interesting to me than those that are purely one aesthetic. So if you’re drawn to elements of both, make up something that mixes the two and you’ll have a very personal space.
love love love everything your saying! That’s exactly what I’m thinking!
Definitely understated maximalist 💯
So many people are voting for understated maximalist. Really surprised!
I must be missing something. The only difference I see between the moodboards is subbing in pink instead of blue…
Lol pretty much! Overall there would be more color, patterns, and decor/styling would be incorporated in Understated Maximalist. But it’s hard to show all the differences in just a few grid squares on the mood board.
Hi Key! Here from EHD – I say understanded maximalist for sure! I love the pattern in particular and think it will be so lovely & fun in a creative space, like you say in your post. Also — your mood board graphics are lovely!!! Can’t wait to follow along!
Hi!! Thanks so much for visiting! I completely agree, I love the pattern and think the vibe would be great for a creative space! We shall see…thanks so much for following along!
Understated maximalist! Also I completely resonate with the struggle of an evolving design aesthetic. I would appreciate any tips you can give us along the way about making smart purchases when you fully expect your aesthetic to continue changing!
I’m so glad i’m not alone! I’ll be sure to share any tips I discover along the way. Thanks so much for weighing in!
I am struggling with this EXACT THING (well, I’m not a designer or talented really at all but 10 years of reading EHD has made me a *bit* better!) — I decide I like something, and a month later I’m like… wait… do I? Luckily my constant procrastination means I have 4,000 tabs open and don’t actually purchase anything so when I change my mind it’s somewhat easier, though it also means I’ve been working on this room for 18 months and it’s… far from done. ANYWAY, I just wanted to say I LOVE YOUR BLOG POSTS SO MUCH — you have such an authentic, vulnerable, clear, fun writing voice and it makes people really feel like they know you! I’m so excited to see what comes next!!!!!! (Also to the actual question at hand, I’m totally useless because I think they’re both beautiful!)
So glad i’m not alone in this!! lol And thank you so much for reading my blog! Your love and support means EVERYTHING!!
This same dilemma happened to me with the same pink wallpaper so I did both. Started with the minimal, layered on the color, made an 8′ tall folding screen using the wallpaper mural for my feature wall. Get sick of the color, peel back the layers. Tired of the wallpaper? I doubt that it will happen but move the folding screen somewhere else. You can have both.
Both are gorgeous! Ultimately, it’s about what will make you feel wonderful in your space. I designed a house for my family this year (starting from scratch for a variety of reasons), and it was funny how neutral it started out, and how colorful it ultimately became. The neutral spaces so stunning in pictures just didn’t feel warm and happy enough for our joyful, vibrant family. The nice thing is, you can always layer in and then pull back out until it feels right. Best wishes to you in the process!
Hi Key – from NZ at the bottom of the world! I love both – quite inspirational for an upcoming design I’ll be doing – I think either are lovely – can you mix the both? Congrats on your Mentee-ship with EHD – what an exciting thing to be doing!
Hi from the bottom of the world!! I’m thinking of doing exactly that–mixing different elements from both! Thanks so much!
Both inspo boards are lovely but they don’t read all that different to me — both have a lot of texture and a neutral base but one leans towards cool tones (blues and greens) while the other leans warm (blush and terra cotta). It would be fun to mock up the space (or just a more specific design board) with all the same furniture and just swap out the textiles and rugs to compare the looks.
Yes, they aren’t that different, mostly just most colors/patterns/styling involved in the understated max. But Hard to showcase all the differentiation with just a few squares on the moodboard, but in my mind understated Max would invoke a completely different vibe than organic coastal. My next step is to make the design boards and play around with the different options. Stay tuned!
Looving the understated maximalist mood board! What a great combo- Leanne Ford and Justina Blakeney–swoon! They are two of my very faves. You can always put the emphasis on the understated rather than the maximalist to get a balance that really speaks to you. That rope room divider is soo cool! Can’t wait to see what you do! 🙂
You’re so right! I think I can weave in different elements to create the perfect balance! And I’m excited to diy that rope wall divider, hope it turns out as great as I see it in my head! Thanks so much for following along!
I’m also evolving from a more neutral and minimalist style to the more colourful and maximalist style, so my pick is definitely maximalist! I also think that seeing as how you’re already saying you will want to change everything in 3 months, what’s the harm in going for a more bold statement? Both will look amazing though and I can’t wait to see what you choose and what the end result is going to be!
Glad I’m not alone in my “evolution”. And you’re right, in 3 months I’ll probably change things up, so why not give it a go! we shall see…. Thanks so much for weighing in!
Hi Key….I can’t decide which board, love them both, but I wanted to drop in to say I LOVE, love, love the way you write! It’s like we’re talking with each other, there’s excitement, interest, and more—definitely a connected conversation without the actual conversation! Can’t wait to see which direction you choose.
Omg! You don’t know how much I needed to hear your exact works <3 Thank you so much for saying that! Your encouragement and support means everything xoxo
Organic coastal! So lovely.
FINALLY a vote for organic coastal! THANK YOU!!
Over from EHD – love the organic coastal. I feel you enneagram 3. I also see a lot of Indigo color in your maximalist board. Why not keep your larger pieces neutral and use your drapes, luxurious/faux fur throws, pillows and rugs to bring the warmth of color. I can’t see you priming the room with Kilz then repainting it blue. Take what you love of both and create your own baby. You’ve got this!
Thanks so much for stopping by! Finally a vote for organic coastal! And enneagram 3… so you totally get me! lol! Love love love your advice, and thinking about doing exactly that! Nervous and excited to see what my own baby looks like…I hope he/she is cute 😉
Definitely go for the color!!!
Kinda leaning that way… We shall see… Thanks for weighing in!
I love the understated maximalist! And seeing the mood board, I think it actually looks like just a splash more whimsy than what you believe your trademark style to be. Personally, I think an office is a lovely place to try something bolder: it helps create more separation with the rest of your home and can help get you in a different headspace when it’s work time!
You’re right! It is a bit more whimsy than I’m used to…and I actually think that’s why I like it! I agree that the office may be a good place to try something bolder…we shall see. Thanks so much for weighing in!
I’m so in your boat! And this is after I have designed the vast majority of my home to my earlier liking. Now, I’m in love with maximalism, and ready to redo everything! That being said, I do think it is harder to pull off maximalism well. It takes more time, energy and learning, IMHO. I was asked to decorate my son and DIL’s home, and I found that she was definitely what I call California cozy, albeit living in Oregon, but I convinced her to do an emotionally evocative, moodier, more dramatic and colorful primary bedroom. She and my son even learned how to wallpaper on those walls! It kinda satisfied my leanings and provides a counterpoint to the calmer rest of the house. Maybe you can do a maximalist room and see how it goes? You may find that it just looks cluttered, or not quite right, or costs too much money to get it right. I am finding that it isn’t an easy call, even though I love it. The key is to have fun and learn while you figure it out. Good luck!
You’re so right! Curating the perfect maximalist aesthetic is not easy, and definitely takes time…especially when you’re already a self-proclaimed minimalist. Love how you decorated your sons home, and love the idea of testing out a max vibe in one space. Thanks so much for the advice!
Whatever you do, you are going to kill it! I love the pops of pink and peach + thoughtful use of pattern in the maximalist mood board and believe there is enough light bright and airiness in there too that it feels like a thoughtful evolution of taste vs a 180. So excited to see where to land, Key!
Thank you, Georgia! I’m so drawn to pinks/peach/blush tones right now, and think I need to embrace it vs, run from it! Thank you for your continued love and support <3
Over from EHD too. I rarely comment on blogs, but love that you are making your way in a rental (rentals in Australia are very different, they don’t get changed by tenants ever!). As a full on maximalist, I am definitely putting my vote in for understated maximalist! Embrace the colour and pattern.
Hi! Thanks for stopping by and for the comment! I’m slowly learning to embrace color and pattern. You’ll definitely have to share some Maximalist tips/advice with me, if I go that direction! Thanks so much for weighing in!
You nailed it with Understated Maximalist! A perfect balance of the timelessness of the neutral ‘coastal’ with the piquant spark of color and whimsy/fun! Very impressive how you got to this place.
My question to you is: How does this rental/rehab work? Super super low rent? Do you have the option to buy at the end? You’re not just putting all this $$ into the place to one day walk away are you?
Thanks so much! I’m really leaning towards Understated Max. As far as my rental rehab, I have an agreement with my landlord and he either contributes to the rehab or deducts it from our rent. And yes, we have an option to buy. I used to be a realtor, so I knew how to go about all the contracts/agreements to make sure we were protected. I did a whole Q&A video on my youtube channel talking more about it, if you’re curious https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5T151FeMMCo&t=1s
Understated maximalist 100%. I think we all got oversaturated with the neutrals trend of recent years and a little color and pattern feels so much more interesting now! Looking forward to seeing your progress, Key!
perhaps that what it is, neutrals fatigue?! I agree, there is something so much more interesting about the understated max. We shall see…. Thanks so much!
I LOVE understated maximalist…BUT (one but) does any of these impact your lease/renting/landlord? You don’t have to think about resale value as a renter but I don’t know if you have any guidelines or requirements from your landlord. That would be the only thing that would push me back to light and airy minimalist, which I also really like.
Nope, no impact with my leasing/landlord. I have his full approval (in writing ;-))!
color! color! color! LOVE that mood board. 10/10
Everyone is choosing the color one! lol.Might have to take the plunge. Thanks for weighing in!
Understated maximalism. The light and airy pattern feels uplifting and fun and will be lovely with the fun books. Also can you make the reading nook, like nap sized? That would be a dream and looks like you have the depth for it!
Thanks so much for weighing in! A nap sized nook would be a dream! Unfortunately, there’s a small closet door so I don’t have enough depth. But I’ll happily scrunch my knees to curl up lol.
Hi! Here from EHD.
Both boards are very pretty but I LOVE the Understated Maximalist. The colors you’ve chosen are subtle but, in my opinion, add some nuance to the room. Good luck!
PS I admire you for taking your time and working within your budget to pursue your design passion.
Hi! Thanks so much for visiting my blog! I totally agree, that the color adds a nice nuance and makes the room feel a bit more special in my opinion. Thanks so much for weighing in!
I vote understated maximalist ONLY if you find maximalist prints that inspire the depths of your soul and fill you with joy. I am not a designer, but in my home, I edge on the edge of too neutral (it brings me tranquility). That said, for my daughter’s nursery my husband suggested we do wallpaper and I fell in love with the Anewall “Mushroom Forest.” We’ve had it a year and it is my favorite part of the house. I am still trying to keep it “minimalist” otherwise by going light on other patterns, but it’s turned in to exactly understated maximalism since that’s the chaos of kids rooms with a million books shelves. Maybe you’ll just have one or two bold pieces in an otherwise tranquil space. Anyway, I look forward to seeing how it turns out.
Hey Key, just wanted to say I’m so excited to see some renter budget/ achievable/ multifunctional goodness. Mood boards both look gorgeous but am loving the soft pink tones of understated max. So looking forward to seeing whatever direction you take x
Understated Maximalist! It needs some color to make it unique. Otherwise it looks like everyone else’s blog/room.
I vote for understated maximalist in this space.
Take the risk– understated maximalist all the way!! Personally, I find all-neutral rooms a bit boring (not yours– just in general). I’m excited to follow your project! It’s reassuring to know there are other designers/design enthusiasts out there who live with unfinished rooms for years while they’re saving or have design paralysis! I’ve been working on my first home for two years and sometimes it feels like it will take forever. Especially while consuming lots of design content and having one million ideas I want to execute but can’t. 🙂 You’ve got this!
understate maximalist, which i didnt know was a thing and now feel very seen in my own style and aesthetic! thank you!
Haha! I may have made it up. But glad you like it!
Wow I had to scroll really far to be able to leave a comment!! That is so great!!! So much wonderful feedback and input!! I am more of a maximalist myself having grown up in New England. I was SO excited when cottage core/grandma style/modern victorian started coming back because that is my style! I was finding it a bit depressing never seeing my taste reflected in the world at large…My suggestion is to do your main spaces in your understated maximalist style (I agree with everyone that California cool is a bit overdone and I honestly think it doesn’t work as well in places that are not as sunny), and then do a smaller space in the super maximalist style that you pinned. Maybe a closet, entryway or bathroom? I recently wallpapered our downstairs guest bath in the basement with giant egrets (the green Gucci wallpaper except I got an Etsy knockoff for half the price), and I LOVE IT. It gives me that dose of drama but I am not looking at it all day all the time. In our main spaces things are more neutral and quiet, and the color comes mainly from art and textiles. I AM A SERIOUS TEXTILE JUNKIE! Can’t wait to see it all unfold for you:).
Haha, yes so many people weighing in! love it! And I totally agree with you, California cool is very overdone. Love ALL your advice!!Thanks so much for sharing!
organic coastal , but maybe bring in some color in an unexpected way. Love what you did in the kitchen so whatever you choose will be great. Oh and I saw your Lowes makeover, too.
I vote the Understated Maximalist, what a lovely vibe!
And I’m loving what your Pinterest board turned into – all those patterns!
Good luck, can’t wait to see what you decide on.
Understated maximalist! I’m pretty sure that’s the one that will bring you the needed inspiration while you’re working without overloading your brain. Plus, I think going the minimal way is always a tendency when starting a whole whose redecoration, because ‘if you’re going all out from the start, the whose may look crayyyyzy by the last rooms’ but maybe the minimal way is just a tad too easy. I’m pretty sure you can pull off something amazing with the second board! <3
I like the blues present in your first Cottage board and the clean surfaces. I see color in there that isn’t in your other examples of that style- including colored bookshelves. The less restrained application of color is appealing in the second design along with the plants. Your room doesn’t have enough natural light to easily replicate those examples. Color on changeable surfaces is something easy to swap on a budget. And going more eclectic on the furniture might help you pull this off in time. Ditch the fussy rope wall (will get dusty and dated quickly) or figure out how to make it removable and go for a three way love child.
Thanks so much for all the helpful suggestions! And the rope wall just hangs on hooks, so it is removable. I think it will be a fun DIY, so I’m going to give it a try! We shall see…
Understated Maximalist. Love it!
Another vote for Understated Maximilist! The St. Frank patterns are divine inspo. Could your shift be Saturn Returning?? Good luck!
Another vote for understated maximalism!! I love the blush and more pattern. I have been a bit of a maximalist with color, but have been trying to dial it back so am really excited to see what you do here! I think if you keep a neutral foundation, you can continue to experiment in here. Eclectic spaces are the most wonderful and exciting designs, you’ve got this!!!!
And yes, I have multiple junk drawers that I have reorganized multiple times and somehow they just keep returning to a mess. I’m obsessed with interior design, but have a lot of undone projects and designxiety! Yep, I just made that word up. My house is always a work in progress (a mess), so right there with you.
Katrina, can we be best friends because I feel like we are the same — junk drawers, undone projects, constant work in progress. You get me! Lol and totally using “designxiety” ! I definitely agree that eclectic (and maximalist) spaces are so much more exciting design wise but I also feel like they take some time to curate, and time is not on my side for this project. But Like you said, if I start with a good base I can build and experiment over time. Thanks so much for your helpful advice!